
Welcome Support is a special support menu provided for event organizers and exhibitors who use Aichi Sky Expo.
Starting with the “Aichi Sky Expo Promotion Organization” composed of Aichi Prefecture and AICEC(Aichi Sky Expo operating company), local governments, organizations, and companies work together to support the holding of events.

Support benefit menu

About Aichi Sky Expo Promotion Organization

Aichi Prefecture and AICEC(Aichi Sky Expo operating company) established a public-private partnership organization, “Aichi Sky Expo Promotion Organization”,  in March 2019, with the aim of revitalizing the exhibition industry utilizing the Aichi Sky Expo (Aichi International Exhibition Center) through a regional effort.

With Aichi Sky Expo Promotion Organization at the center, regional economic and labor organizations, universities, transportation-related businesses, accommodation-related organizations, commerce and agriculture-related organizations, participation of tourism-related organizations and related administrative agencies, we are working to revitalize the exhibition industry with Aichi Sky Expo.